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Terms and conditions

Last Updated: 30th April 2024

Last Updated: 30th April 2024


Welcome to AteexCloud (“Company”, “we”, “our”, “us”)!

These Terms of Service (“Terms”, “Terms of Service”) govern your experience on our website at and all other subdomains collectively or individually referred to as the “Service,” operated by AteexCloud.

Our Privacy Policy complements these Terms, providing insights into how we collect, protect, and disclose information resulting from your interaction with our web pages.

By engaging with our Service, you acknowledge having read and comprehended these Agreements, committing to their terms.

Should you disagree with (or find it challenging to comply with) these Agreements, we encourage you to refrain from using the Service. However, kindly inform us at so we can explore potential solutions. These Terms are applicable to all visitors, users, and those seeking access or utilization of the Service.

1. Agreement Acknowledgment

We appreciate your interest in our services. By choosing to engage with our Service, you acknowledge that you have carefully read and comprehended these Agreements. These terms, along with our Privacy Policy, constitute the legal framework governing your interaction with AteexCloud.

2. Privacy Policy Complement

Our Privacy Policy is designed to complement these Terms, offering detailed insights into how we collect, protect, and disclose information resulting from your interaction with our web pages. We are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your data.

3. Disagreement Protocol

While we strive to provide a seamless experience, we understand that disagreements may arise. If you find yourself in disagreement with any aspect of these Agreements, we encourage you to refrain from using our Service. However, we value your feedback and are open to exploring potential solutions. Please reach out to us at to discuss any concerns you may have.

4. Scope of Application

It's important to note that these Terms apply to all visitors, users, and those seeking access to the Service. By using our platform, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.

5. Hosting Features Overview

At AteexCloud, we take pride in offering a comprehensive suite of hosting services. From Minecraft and Game servers to Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS), and Web Hosting, our platform is equipped with cutting-edge features to meet your hosting needs effectively. Visit our official website for detailed information on our hosting solutions.

6. Responsibilities and Obligations

- Account Registration Responsibility: We emphasize the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials to ensure the security of your data.
- Payment and Billing Obligations: Timely fulfillment of payment obligations is essential to maintain access to our services.
- Refund Policy and Initiation Process: In the event of a refund request within the designated timeframe, our team will carefully review and process the request in accordance with our Refund Policy.

7. Content Management Responsibility

As a user of our hosting services, you are responsible for all content stored on your server. While we adopt a non-intrusive stance towards actively monitoring server content, we reserve the right to take corrective actions in instances where any server is found to be in contravention of our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

8. Policy Adherence

We expect all users to adhere to our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), which outlines the rules and parameters governing the use of our services. By utilizing our hosting services, you commit to complying with these guidelines to ensure a safe and conducive environment for all users.

9. Service Availability Assurance

While we strive to provide uninterrupted service, it's important to acknowledge that occasional maintenance or upgrades may be necessary. Rest assured, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you of any planned maintenance activities in advance to minimize disruptions.

10. Termination Prerogative

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account, with or without prior notice, under circumstances where a violation of these Terms is perceived or for reasons deemed justifiable. Conversely, you retain the autonomy to terminate your account at any juncture, following the procedures outlined on our website.

11. Privacy Commitment and Policy Review

It is incumbent upon users to acknowledge that AteexCloud assumes no liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may arise from the utilization of our hosting services. This disclaimer serves as a comprehensive delineation of the extent of our liability, emphasizing the user's responsibility to comprehend and assess associated risks.

12. Limitation of Liability Disclaimer

It's essential for users to acknowledge that while we strive to provide a secure and reliable service, AteexCloud assumes no liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may arise from the utilization of our hosting services. This disclaimer serves as a comprehensive delineation of the extent of our liability, emphasizing the importance of assessing associated risks.

13. Technical Support Clarification

While we are committed to providing technical support for issues specifically related to our hosting services, it's important to note that we bear no responsibility for issues arising from third-party plugins or modifications. Users are encouraged to exercise due diligence in evaluating and troubleshooting any issues stemming from external modifications to ensure optimal server performance.

14. Changes Notification

Given the dynamic nature of the digital landscape, we reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any juncture. Any such modifications will be promptly disseminated through our official website. It is incumbent upon you to periodically review these Terms, recognizing that your continued use of our services following any modifications constitutes implicit acceptance of the revised terms.

15. Contact Information

In the event of queries, concerns, or clarifications regarding these comprehensive Terms and Conditions, the AteexCloud team is readily available for communication. Feel free to reach out to us via email at for prompt and efficient assistance.

16. Abuse Protocol

We take abuse complaints seriously and require a response within 24 hours to avoid suspension or termination of your service. Repeat or intentional acts of abuse may result in immediate action, including charges for system administration work involved with delisting IP addresses from spam databases.

17. Data Handling

To provide you with our services, we will store your service’s files on our servers. Depending on the product purchased, backups of your servers may also be stored. While we make efforts to take our own backups, it is not a guarantee, and it is also the customer’s responsibility to ensure that their own backups are in place.

18. Virtual Machine Delivery Timeframe

Please be advised that there may be a delay in the delivery of your VPS due to exceptionally high demand.

By actively engaging with AteexCloud's Hosting services, you, the user, affirmatively acknowledge that you have meticulously read, comprehended, and willingly agreed to the terms encapsulated in these detailed and expansive Terms and Conditions. This acknowledgment, in conjunction with our Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy, crystallizes into an enduring, legally binding covenant between you and AteexCloud.